The pins are our visual response to the thematics we had to handle for this exhibition.
We were confronted with the aspects of a political to a social context in our subject - the personal choice became more and more political. This is why I have invited everyone to find image(s) related to her or his feelings about our working conditions and especially on the woman subject, which we debated and discussed a lot about. We decided to dedicated the pins especially to the woman subject starting from a reflection on the icon itself where the woman was basically excluded in history. On the other hand, in regarding to the spectator, we wanted to offer a simple gift. Self-organization has also been always related to generosity. You can also go to our blog where can find out more about who or what the image is about. We are interested to have our small object to circulate outside the gallery space and we hope it will be able to be the catalyst for new synergies.
- Giulia Cilla
Drag King Pins
I love achieving this moment when I loose control… fags start flirting with me, I fall in love every 2 mn with a different grrl/boy… or I don't know how to call the people because no one cant say who is a boy or grrl or even who's a "bio" grrl or boy, and it doesn't matter anymore! I guess it's all about streaming…. and i loooove experimenting gender as a sex toy…oops sorry, as a cultural tool!
Ok, seriously, I highly recommend dragging to everybody….
and I recommend you to (re)discover Antonia Baehr's work
Truly yours,
ma lignée matriarcale. les femmes de mon code génétique. le passé que je porte en moi."
- Valerie Anex
j'ai pris cette image car le port du voile est un sujet d'actualité, qui plus est en rapport avec le féminisme (je crois?) et je trouve visuellement très intéressant de devoir choisir une "femme" et de livrer du tissus... Et c'est le patrimoine visuel commun qui fait que chacun sait que c'est une femme. Ce qui rapproche de la question: pourquoi les hommes ne portent pas de voile.
- Gaël Lugaz
Self-Organization and a Cuban Dialogue
By Giulia Cilla
1. Little animal: this little animal is carrying a piace of bread I gave him. I took this photo in Cuba and I have put this photo with the other pin, which is also related to Cuba in order to state a dialogue. The little animal is carrying his home, symbolic of self-organisation and the food I gave him as the visitor can carry the pin as a present from us
2. This sencence was written by Hydée Santamaria, in the last letter she wrote in memory of Ernesto Che Guevara. This sentence evoke the utopian power behind self organisation and the wish of a better world starting from everyone's responsability.
Woman of the Unkwown, Women of Destiny, and
The Ocean is my Mother : Little buttons of inspiration
The collaborative invitation for creating buttons was a brilliant gesture to let us elaborate in our own area of research and investigations. The buttons are little keepsakes and as one wears them each image has a story to tell. It was also interesting to see what image each of the group members chose - from their mothers to images from the sea. It was also a collabortive group process from the image layouts to an assembly line of pressing the buttons to completion. The following are discriptions of why I chose each image:
The “Woman of the Unknown” is a an old photograph I found at the Geneva Plain Palais market, which I feel is an interesting place for Self-Organization – there is a particular culture that is happening within the market and old photographs like this one of a woman that unfold mystery and histories of Geneva. I felt moved to contribute this image because during my time of research on the woman subject and having discussions about feminism and what “new feminism” might be, I realized that there is still so much uncharted area . . . there is still so many women of the unknown to be discovered.
“Women of Destiny” is very dear to me as I actually know a few of the woman in the picture, which I will remain discreet about. The importance of this image for me is that, each of the woman in that photograph all had a destiny they would fulfill and for me to find that and find my own destiny. Now imagine who could these women be and who could they be to you, create an enchanting narration for someone when they see you wearing it.
“The Ocean is my Mother” is a photograph I took off the cost of Palawan Island located in the southern part of the Philippines. For me it is a place of paradise and while I was swimming in these parts I truly felt I was born again in this massive and deep womb of the ocean. The ocean and earth are our mother, we must take care of her.
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